#Week 1A Template Blog

I choose this template because it has interesting background with trees and little bit of light coming out, giving definition to the page. Any written content in white font would really make the content more interesting to read. Also I liked the layout of tabs to left side of the page along with the picture that can be added later as needed for the class. This blogs focus will be towards completing class activities for now.


  1. I agree- definitely a fan of the simple layout so that the focus of your page can be the content. Best of luck on your social media journey. I find that using visual enhancements oftentimes leads to more engagement. As your blog displays, even subtle visual enhancements can make something pop.

    1. Thank you for your post! All the very best with the class.

  2. I like the layout you chose, I agree it gives definition to the page. Any content would be great in any color on this layout.

  3. I like your idea for white font. That sounds like an interesting plan. I am curious to see what your content will be and I am looking forward to it!

    1. Hope I will be able to put in some interesting stuff in the posts, thank you for the reply!

  4. You have great taste because I was considering this background image too! Something about trees and the slight foggy setting that is so calming.
    You should change the background color to something other than gray, it takes away from the mystery of the trees.

    1. Hi,
      Thank you for the feedback on background color, it's good idea. I'm not really familiar with this whole blog thing, will have to figure out how to change it.


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