Week #3 Part 1

I had difficulty communicating with few different businesses on several occasions. They ranged from internet service provider, health care insurance and cell phone service provider. Seems like some days agents working for these businesses are in great mood to resolve issues in very less time and other days ending up taking very long time to resolve similar issues.  Once I had really hard time with this reputed health insurance company who took few months to resolve an issue with my bill. Every time I called they would take hours to figure out what was going on, made notes on the conversation we had, yet this problem continued to next month, despite assuring me it’s been taken care of.  This miss communication went on for few months and later got rectified by involvement of a supervisor. Not all businesses are this way some of them work very diligently to take care of concerns addressed right away.
I’ve never used social media to address issues. Before taking up this class I always felt that writing negative reviews for a business is not a good ethic, so I would just stay away. Social media is a very powerful tool and has become a norm these days. Next time I’m planning on trying this platform with businesses that are hard to communicate. Many businesses have realized importance of social media and are making attempts to monitor what is written about them, while there are small businesses who are reluctant to get into social media platform due to various constraints, eventually they will be caught into this trend as well.
Positive and negative comments on social media about your own businesses can be dealt in many ways. I’ve never owned a business myself, my approach would be, not take these comments personally. Negative comments are posted only when someone does not receive proper service or product is not good enough. I would work on fixing what bothered that individual, maybe personally contact to find out what can be done so that will make him/her happy or what changes they are expecting for this problem.


  1. Hi, I totally relate with having slow and frustating phone calls with my health insurance company. I've been on hold for hours but there's nothing much you can do because it's your only provider. I would recommend reaching out to companies through social media if they aren't responding quick enough by email.

  2. Hi! I am sorry to hear that you have had multiple occasions having to deal with bad customer service. It is one of the most frustrating things and it honestly puts such a gloom in peoples days. I am also one to not leave negative reviews unless it is a very big situation. Although things due to tend to happen, but if it is not doing much harm, I wouldn't want to harm a persons business. But I have a problem, I would hope that they would have the same respect for my needs and wants when it comes to their services.

  3. It's nice that you won't post a negative reply on a business' social media, but what if they did something that really made you mad? I'm like you, it would be really hard for me to basically write in stone something negative about a company.


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