Week #10 Post 1

A blog is an interesting way to start conversation that has value and humans are very drawn to content that is expressing emotions on a topic or their personal experiences regarding that topic. Let’s say I have a business either I could do aggressive marketing by posting ads on TV or radio, promoting various discounts to bring customers there by increasing sales. This method does not involve two-way communication, its only one-sided conversation or bombardment of “come buy our stuff”. Other way would be conversing with people telling them our side of the story by personal experiences, such as how we traveled to various places to see where our products are coming from, who our suppliers are, and their life experiences and emotions will surely make readers or people connect more easily. In this case personal experiences are themselves promoting business because people are so curious to know what steps we are taking to run this business by reading about those experiences.

It does not make any sense if every blog post contains description of what we did as a family or how we spent the weekend at a party. If we are writing a blog about family values, then it totally makes sense to blog about routines and family activities however, if a blog involves profession or business then it’s always best to keep experiences that aligns with that profession or business. Bottom line, peoples emotions and personal experiences will enhance a blog if they contain appropriate and coherent content.


  1. I agree that getting too personal is unrealistic talking about your families activities, rather the posts should have some personal characteristics as long as it aligns with the business topic. Another important purpose is using a personal touch but providing useful information that your followers and customers can use to help them out.

  2. I do agree that businesses that only do ads, TV, or radio, do not connect is a one way communication. The more effective businesses use posting ads that allow customers to interact with the company on a more personal level.


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